Analyzing Factors Associated with Women’s Attitudes and Behaviors toward Screening Mammography Using Design-Based Logistic Regression.
We examined the factors associated with screening mammography adherence behaviors and influencing factors on women’s attitudes towardmammography in non-adherent women. Design-based logistic regression models were developed to characterize the influencing factors, including socio-demographic, health related, behavioral characteristics, and knowledge of breast cancer/mammography, on women’s compliance with andattitudes toward mammography using the 2003 Health Information National Trends Survey data. Findings indicate significant associations among adherence to mammography and marital status, income, health coverage, being advised by a doctor to have a mammogram, having had Pap smear before, perception of chance of getting breast cancer, and knowledge of mammography (frequency of doing mammogram) in both women younger than 65 and women aged 65 and older. However, number of visits to a healthcare provider per year and lifetime number of smoked cigarettes are only significant for women younger than 65. Factors significantly associated with attitudes toward mammography in non-adherent women are age, being advised by a doctor to have a mammogram, and seeking cancer information. To enhance adherence to mammography programs, physicians need to continue to advise their patients to obtain mammograms. In addition, increasing women’s knowledge about the frequency and starting age forscreening mammography may improve women’s adherence. Financially related factors such as income and insurance are also shown to be significant factors. Hence, healthcare policies aimed at providing breast cancer screening services to underserved women will likely enhancemammography participation
To read more, see the following article on the PubMed website: PMID: 24510010